
Becoming One

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence

Becoming One

Research + Service Design + Branding

Becoming One aims to share proven methods of violence prevention with communities through a 12 week biblical couples course. It incorporates major teachings from the Bible that champion equality, honesty and respect in relationships coupled with cognitive behavior techniques.



Becoming One was created in partnership with the Airbel Center and World Vision.

This intervention is currently undergoing a full-scale randomized control trial in Uganda to rigorously capture the impact of our design on the prevention of violence. The evaluation launched in September of 2018 in which 140 Faith Leaders and 2381 couples were recruited to receive Becoming One.

Cognitive behavior therapy through a religious lens.

The Becoming One program is delivered in partnership with local faith leaders, who guide couples through engaging workbooks and videos that teach communication skills, emotional regulation, shared control over finances and household duties, sexual consent and pleasure. During the sessions the couples participate in group activities and at home they practice what they learned through practical and fun homework.


What do Becoming One participants say?

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